You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Maintenance > Warehouse Summary

Warehouse Summary

Displays the stock summary for each warehouse location. This is a good reference tool to quickly locate stock and determine its status.The grid is automatically updated when SOH transactions take place. The grid display is controlled by a stored procedure and as such, a custom stored procedure can be created and attached to the Inventory system setting WarehouseSummaryStoredProcedureName to customise the display for each database as needed

Field Description
Warehouse Which warehouse the stock is associated with
Total SOH The total SOH in each warehouse
Total BackOrder Total amount of stock on back orders - including both manual and automatic back orders
Manual BackOrder Total amount of stock on manual back order from sales orders
Auto BackOrder Total amount of stock on automatic back order from sales orders (where back order mode is Automatic), Job Costing, Service Manager, Warehouse Transfer Outwards and manufacturing requisitions
Ship on Completion Total amount of stock on order set to 'Ship Complete'
Warehouse Transfers Total amount of stock in warehouse transfer
Unprocessed Sales Total amount of stock allocated to unprocessed sales orders
Forward Requirements Total amount of stock ordered on sales orders where Invoice Type is Forward Order, requiring delivery a later date
BOM Component Total amount of stock allocated to components of Bill of Materials WIP
Totals The bottom row details the total of all warehouse stock and its current status

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